Disclaimer & Privacy Statement

法律信息 – 免责声明 爱尔兰:

Stokes Property Consultants Limited t/a Stokes Property 和卖方/出租人发出通知:

  1. 这些细节仅供参考,不构成要约或合同的任何部分。
  2. 这些详细信息中包含的有关该财产的所有声明均由代理人或卖方/出租人承担,不承担任何责任。
  3. 这些细节中包含的有关该财产的任何陈述均不应被视为事实的陈述或陈述。
  4. 细节、各种计划、照片、描述和测量均已仔细准备,但不保证其准确性,任何有意购买者/承租人应通过检查或其他方式确认其正确性。任何遗漏、意外错误或失实陈述均不得成为卖方/出租人或买方/承租人要求赔偿或解除合同的理由。
  5. 卖方/出租人、Stokes Property Consultants Ltd. t/a Stokes Property 或其雇员均无权就该财产作出或给予任何陈述或保证。 6. 报价不含增值税(除非另有说明),所有谈判均在买方/租户应承担任何增值税的基础上进行

Data Protection Privacy Statement

Stokes Property, while requiring your information to fulfill and deliver a professional service is committed to protecting all personal data of our clients and customers. We will request your consent before collecting or processing your data where we are required to do so under the terms of current Data Protection Legislation.


We will not send you unsolicited emails or share your data with others. We collect information only through direct interaction with us by phone, email/letter or through our direct involvement with you.


We will not retain your personal  information for longer than is necessary. We will retain your personal information for the duration of your engagement with us and for such period thereafter as is necessary for compliance  under current applicable law.

Where no contract exists we will retain your  personal information only for as long as is necessary for compliance  under current applicable law ( usually 6 years).

You may exercise your right to have the information erased provided we do not need to hold it in connection with any of the reasons permitted or required under current applicable law.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties  if necessary to do so in order to comply with the terms of your contract with us ? for example to third parties such as professional advisers / their agents, solicitors, valuers, service providers, relevant personnel to enable a due diligence exercise in connection with any proposed merger, acquisition, or transfer of our business, to any person appointed to  manage any such arrangement and to competent regulatory or other authorities and bodies as requested or required by law all subject to confidentiality obligations. We only disclose personal information that is necessary for them to provide the service that they are undertaking on your / our  behalf.

Your data will not be passed to any third-party for their own independent marketing purposes. You have a right of access to your personal information and a right to withdraw consent to the processing of your personal information, including the right to correct, delete, restrict such information or request that same be transferred to another data controller, subject at all times to our compliance with current applicable law.

Personal information relating to persons under 16 years of age will not be retained., unless specifically requested by a parent or guardian.

We may need you to provide us with personal data to allow us to provide the contracted service, including your name, address,  email address, and phone number, details of the property or service we are providing to you, necessary information relating to your financial means, such as documented proof of funds,  identity checks and such information as is necessitated for compliance with anti- money laundering and property services regulation  legislation.


All reasonable measures are taken to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, loss or unauthorised access. If you suspect any misuse, loss or unauthorised access to your personal data please contact us at majella@stokesproperty.ie.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of a request you have the right to make a complaint to the Data Protection Commission who may investigate the matter on your behalf at info@dataprotection.ie / Data Protection Commission,Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington, Co. Laois. R32 AP23. Phone: 1890 252 231    www.dataprotection.ie

Similarly, if you no longer wish to receive communications in respect of your property requirements, please inform us at 莎拉@stokesproperty.ie

We retain the right to amend this Privacy Policy as necessary.




本免责声明适用于 www.stokesproperty.ie( ?地点?) 由 Singer Vielle Limited (?Singer Vielle?) 并经 Stokes Property Consultants Limited 许可经营。

1967 年失实陈述法

Stokes Property Consultants Limited 为其自身以及其作为代理人的房产卖方或出租人发出通知:

  1. 这些细节仅供参考,仅供意向购买者或承租人参考,并不构成要约或合同,也不构成要约或合同的一部分。
  2. 本网站上的所有描述、尺寸、对条件的引用以及使用和占用的必要许可以及其他详细信息均出于善意提供,并且在发布时被认为是正确的,但可能会进行后续修改。
  3. 任何潜在购买者或承租人不应依赖 Stokes Property Consultants Limited 就房产作出的陈述或事实陈述,而必须通过自己的检查或其他方式来确认每项陈述或陈述的正确性。
  4. Stokes Property Consultants Limited 的任何雇员均无权代表 Stokes Property Consultants Limited 就本网站或其他地方列出的任何房产做出或给予任何陈述或保证。
  5. 所有地图仅供识别和参考之用,不应依赖其准确性。
  6. 除非另有说明,所有报价、租金和任何其他费用均不包含可能需缴纳的增值税。
1989 年金融法


1991 年财产错误描述法


关于网站上列出和/或出现的属性(每个属性 ?财产?,并且一起 ?特性?):

  1. 我们的网站服务允许您查询、购买或租赁本网站上出现或列出的财产。此类查询、购买或租赁只能严格遵守下面列出的我们的使用条款(可在此处获取:www.stokesproperty.ie/terms-of-use)进行和允许。
  2. 在任何情况下,对于您因购买或租赁本网站上的任何财产而产生的任何直接、间接、后果性、附带或特殊损害,我们均不承担任何责任。
  3. 在任何情况下,我们均不对本网站上列出的任何财产相关信息的任何错误或不完整,或者任何财产已从销售或租赁中撤回负责,也不对任何财产或所列价格的任何不准确尺寸负责。
  4. 对于本网站上出现的由相关财产的卖方或出租人提供的信息的完整性或准确性,我们不承担任何责任或义务,他们对此类信息承担全部责任。
  5. 虽然我们相信列出的房产可供购买或租赁,但我们不保证情况确实如此,也不保证它们没有被卖方或出租人撤回。网站上出现或列出的所有属性均可能发生更改、错误或遗漏。我们尚未验证与卖方或出租人提供的房产或任何尺寸相关的信息的准确性。
  6. 所有房产均受合同约束,显示的价格不包含增值税(如果适用)。

2023 年 2 月



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